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Manage pages

Access Nebo's sidebar, open the Notebooks menu, and tap on a notebook to see its pages at a glance. In this view, you can easily search your notebooks or organize their pages.

The guide regarding pages for the users of the free version on iPadOS and Mac M1 and M2 users are as follows:

  1. Users with the free version of Nebo can create up to five expandable pages within which they can test all the app's features.
  2. If users reach the five-page limit, they can delete a page to make space for a new one.
  3. Importing a file as a PDF will count as a single page, regardless of the number of pages within the PDF.
  4. If users need to delete a page but don't want to lose their content, they can export the page as a .nebo file before deleting it.

To add more pages without limitations, users can upgrade to the full version of Nebovia a single in-app purchase.

Organize your pages

Reorder pages in a notebook via drag-and-drop.

To move a page to another notebook, tap and hold the page then move it to the target notebook via drag-and-drop.

To move a notebook to another collection, access the sidebar, then move the notebook to the desired collection via drag-and-drop.

Search all collections

Search all your content (including diagrams and PDF annotations) to locate specific text content, whether handwritten or typeset. Type a search term or terms in the search bar and Nebo will display all pages containing matching text. A blue number in the upper right corner of each page shows the number of hits within the page. See here: Global search

Cloud sync

Synchronize your Nebo library between devices and/or a cloud backup by connecting to one of these cloud storage services:

  • Dropbox 
  • Google Drive 
  • iCloud (iOS only)

Access Nebo's sidebar, open the Settings menu, and select Sync to sync changes between the Nebo library on your current device and your chosen cloud storage service. Please note, you'll need to sign in to a free MyScript account to sync your library with a cloud storage service. See here: Sync your notes

Please note that syncing is not included in the Nebo free version for iOS. To access syncing features, you will need to upgrade your Nebo app to the full version with a single in-app purchase.


Back up your collections and notebooks in a .nebobackup file. See here: Back up your notes 

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