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Export a single page or multiple pages

To export a single page on iOS, Android, and Windows devices, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the individual page you would like to export.
  2. In the top right of your screen, tap the three-dot menu icon.
  3. Select Export from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Format in the pop-up menu and then choose the format you want to export in (text, PDF, Word, or Nebo).
  5. In the pop-up menu, you can also change or edit the name of the file you are exporting.
  6. Once you have selected the desired format and file name, select Export.
  7. Choose the application you want to export your page with.
  8. The selected application on iOS and Android will take over from here, follow its instructions to finish your export.
  9. On Windows devices, you will need to save your exported text file to the device desktop before transferring the content to your preferred location.

Exporting multiple pages at once on iOS

  1. Open the notebook containing the pages you would like to export.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right of your screen.
  3. Select Export from the drop-down menu.
  4. To determine the format of the exported file, select Format
  5. A menu displays, showing the available export formats: PDF, or Nebo. Select the required format.
  6. Switch Combine into one file on to export all pages as a single file. If you select this option, you can customize the name of the exported file. Alternatively, switch Combine into one file off to export all pages individually. If you select this option, the exported files will be named according to their respective file names.
  7. Select Export. Another menu displays, showing available export destinations.
  8. Select a destination app or location on your device. The selected pages will be exported to your chosen destination.

Exporting multiple pages at once on Windows

  1. Long-press the notebook title in the side panel, or right-click with a mouse.
  2. Select Export from the drop-down menu.
  3. To determine the format of the exported file, select the drop-down menu next to Format
  4. Available export formats are PDF or Nebo. Select the required format.
  5. Switch Combine into one file on to export all pages as a single file. If you select this option, you can customize the name of the exported file. Alternatively, switch Combine into one file off to export all pages individually. If you select this option, the exported files will be named according to their respective file names.
  6. Select Export. The device will convert the file and show you a list of locations in which you can save the file on your device.
  7. You will need to save your exported text files to the device desktop before transferring the content to your preferred location.

Exporting multiple pages at once on Android

  1. Long-press the notebook title in the side panel.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon in the blue banner highlighted at the top of the side panel.
  3. Select Export from the drop-down menu.
  4. To determine the format of the exported file, select the drop-down menu beneath Format
  5. Available export formats are PDF or Nebo. Select the required format.
  6. Switch Combine into one file on to export all pages as a single file. If you select this option, you can customize the name of the exported file. Alternatively, switch Combine into one file off to export all pages individually. If you select this option, the exported files will be named according to their respective file names.
  7. Select Export. Another menu displays, showing available export destinations.
  8. Select a destination app or location on your device. The selected pages will be exported to your chosen destination. 

About the export formats

Text: Export your page as text if you want to use your written content in any other app that supports plain text format. When you do so, all handwritten content is exported as typeset (also called print).

PDF: PDF format allows you to export all your content (diagrams, maths, images, text, drawings), with your text converted into typeset. You can search your exported PDF document with keywords and make annotations and highlighter markups.

Word (.docx): Use this format to open your page in any app that supports .docx format. All your content is kept (diagrams, math, text, images) and editable. Handwritten text is transformed into typeset. Exporting to Word requires Word 2007 or higher.

Nebo (.nebo): Use this format if you need to share your Nebo note with Nebo support or with friends and colleagues who also have access to the Nebo app. Nebo (.nebo) files can only be opened in the Nebo app.

All these format options are available for page export only (notebooks are always exported as .nebo files).

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