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Create link for notes with Nebo.

You have the ability to share a page through the web by generating a unique URL link. This feature allows you to read your pages conveniently (  

Linked pages can be accessed from a web browser, and you retain full control over who can access your content. 

A note for users of Apple & Android devices: To create a link for your notes, you must own the full version of the app.

Creating a link for your notes 

To create a link for your notes:  

  1. Open the relevant page within Nebo. 
  2. Access the Page menu - the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.  
  3. Select Create link. The Create link menu displays.  
  4. Select Share link to display the access options. 

Controlling access to linked notes

When creating a link for a page, you'll be prompted to choose whether to make it Private access or not. Private access is always selected by default. 

Private-access notes

With Private access on, you’ll be prompted to Add people by providing their email addresses. Nebo will email these people to let them know that you have created a link to your page and that they can view it by clicking the link in the email. 

Note: To ensure the security and privacy of your linked content, people must be signed in to a MyScript account to view private-access notes. 

Public-access notes

With Private access off, you can provide access to a linked page simply by sharing its URL. People won’t need to sign in to a MyScript account to view your linked page – which also means they can provide access to other people by resharing the URL. 

Copying and editing linked notes

Anyone who accesses your linked page (via private or public access) will be able to download a copy of it. If they have Nebo on their own device, they’ll be able to edit this copy, save it and share it with others. 

Updating linked notes

If you make changes to a previously linked page and want those changes to be reflected in the URL version: 

  1. Open the relevant page within Nebo. 
  2. Access the Page menu - the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. 
  3. Select Create link
  4. Select Update
  5. Your linked page will be updated and anyone with access to it will be able to view the latest version. 

Unlinking notes 

After linking a page, you’re free to unlink it whenever you like. To do so: 

  1. Open the relevant page within Nebo. 
  2. Access the Page menu - the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.  
  3. Select Delete link
  4. The linked version of your page will be deleted and will no longer be accessible to others – though they will retain access to any copies already downloaded. Your own local version of the page will remain on your device. 

Go to and sign in with your free MyScript account, you will then have access to the pages you have created a link. 

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