The following versions are available for download exclusively from the App Stores (Apple, Google or Windows). Please note that we do not provide downloads through any other platforms/stores.
Latest Nebo version by platform:
OS | Date | Version |
iPad and iOS | 05/03/2025 | |
Windows OS | 13/03/2025 | (6.3.16842.0) |
Android OS & Chrome OS | 25/02/2025 | |
Do you want to know what is new on this version? What's new on this version.
A. Checking your Software version:
Go to Nebo help, you will see the version on the top.
iOS: Tap the 3 dots then Help
Windows: Tap the settings icon (bottom left on the screen) then select Help
B. Understanding version numbers: example: V
The first two numbers represent the main version: 6.0
The subsequent digits denote updates or bug fixes: .5.16500
C. If you have purchased the app, you can update it through the respective app stores.
- App Store: How to manually update apps on your Apple device - Apple Support
- Google Play Store: How to update the Play Store & apps on Android - Google Play Help
- Microsoft Store: Get updates for apps and games in Microsoft Store - Microsoft Support
D. If you have a pre-installed version precedent to Nebo 6 (Lenovo or Huawei devices or others) check this article: Nebo - Preinstalled versions - How to upgrade.