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How to use Nebo AI - Study space

Study sets consist of multiple-choice questions generated by AI from your notes. The study space is where you can access all the generated study sets.

Nebo AI's "Study Space" creates a set of study cards containing questions extracted from your notes (including notebooks, boards, documents, and imported PDFs). This tool supports testing and improving memory through practiced information retrieval.

After creation, students can utilize these cards for quizzes or self-reviews before assessments. 

How to use Nebo AI "Study space" beta feature:

  1. Tap the "Study" button located in the top right corner.
  2. Select up to four (4) Notes (Notebooks, Boards, Documents, or PDF files).
  3. Tap the "Create study set" button.
  4. Now, navigate to the Study Space.
  5. The processing time for a study set can take up to 2 minutes, depending on the size of the files you have selected. You can monitor the progress on the left side as the number of questions steadily grows to around 60 questions.
  6. Start studying your material by answering the generated questions. Tap the "Start" button to begin.
  7. Answer all the questions in the study set.
  8. If your response is correct, it will be displayed in green.
  9. If your response is incorrect, it will be displayed in red, and the correct answer will be shown in green.
  10. Tap on "Next" to proceed to the next set of questions.
  11. After finishing the study, a brief report will appear on the screen. Tap "Finish" to return to the study set.

Study set sections

You have three (3) sections in the Study Space: Nebo's study sets, My Study Sets, and Discover.

1. Nebo's study sets: These are examples of 30 questions each. You can interact with them to better understand how to create and engage with study sets.

2. My study sets: Here, you will discover all your creations based on the selected notes. You can view both started sets (along with your achieved score) and those that are yet to be initiated.

3 Discover. Here, you will find a visual explanation/tutorial of study sets.


i. The languages supported in the initial release of Study Notes are English and Nebo app with an English interface.

ii. Content to large: When creating Study sets, Nebo uses the text from the user's notes. If the text is too long, an error message "Content too large" may appear. Users should shorten the text and retry.

iii. For more details, delve into additional information about the limitations of study sets: Nebo AI beta requirements and limitations

Explore more articles on Nebo AI:

How to use Nebo AI "Explain" beta feature

How to use Nebo AI "Summarize" beta feature

How to use Nebo AI "Chat" beta feature

How to use Nebo AI "Quiz" beta feature 

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