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Export manually to the cloud

Want to save your notes in the cloud without using the sync feature? You can do so by manually exporting your .nebo files. An in-app purchase is required on compatible iOS devices if you want to sync from within the app.

First, make sure the cloud service application you want to use is installed on your device. If it isn't, download it from your app store (App Store, Play Store, or Microsoft Store).


  1. Open the Notebook section in the side panel.
  2. Swipe on the notebook you want to export to the cloud and choose Export.
  3. Select the cloud application you want to export your notebook with.
  4. The cloud application takes over from here, follow its instructions to finish your export.


  1. Open the Notebooks section in the side panel.
  2. Tap    next to the notebook you want to export to the cloud.
  3. In the action bar at the top of the side panel, press , then tap Export.
  4. Select the cloud application you want to export your notebook with.
  5. The cloud application takes over from here, follow its instructions to finish your export.


  1. In the side panel, open the Notebooks section.
  2. Long press the notebook you want to export to the cloud, then release your finger.
  3. Tap Export, then select the cloud application you want to export your notebook with.
  4. The cloud application takes over from here, follow its instructions to finish your export.

If later you intend to import this notebook back into Nebo, it will be registered by the app as a new notebook. If your prior version of this notebook is still in your app, you will be asked to rename it to avoid conflict.

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