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Keyboard and text conversion on a Notebook and a Board

Activating the keyboard on a notebookor a board:

  1. Tap the keyboard icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. Tap once anywhere on the page with your finger.
  3. The cursor will appear when and where you tap on the page.
  4. To close the keyboard, tap the keyboard icon in the top navigation bar, or the keyboard icon on the on-screen keyboard.

The Tap for keyboard feature can be deactivated by selecting the three dots in the top right corner of the screen >Advanced > Tap for keyboard - toggle on / off

Converting handwritten text to typed font:

  1. Tap the lasso icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. Draw around the text you would like to convert. 
  3. Nebo will detect the main body of text you are selecting. Overlapping pen strokes from other text will be ignored.
  4. Select Convert from the pop-up menu.
  5. The text will convert to typed font.

Managing typed or converted text with the lasso:                                            

After handwriting on the page, you have a number of options available to manage the text:

  1. Tap the lasso icon in the top navigation bar.
  2. Draw around the text that you would like to format.
  3. Nebo will detect the main body of text you are selecting. Overlapping pen strokes from other text will be ignored.
  4. You can move the text around the page using your pen or finger, or select from one of the five options in the pop-up menu, as seen in the image above.
    • Cut
    • Copy
    • Copy as...
    • Delete
    • Resize
  • See below for details.
  1. Cut will cut the selected text and allow you to paste it elsewhere on the page, onto another Nebo page, or as an image in another app.
  2. Copy as...Text, Math, or Diagram. This allows you to export the selected text into a Document page in the appropriate object for further editing or work.
  3. Delete will delete the selected text. Use the undo tab in the top navigation bar to undo accidental deletions.
  4. Resize will allow you to resize the selected text. See below for more information.

Managing typed or converted text with a finger tap:

A finger tap will enable the text management options available with the lasso, but with the extra options: Style and List.

  1. Close the keyboard. 
  2. Tap the text you would like to format with your finger. Note: If the "Tap for keyboard" is activated the keyboard will appear.
  3. You will see in the pop-up menu two extra options, Style, and List.
  4. Tapping Style offers the following options which can be applied to the text:
    • Bold
    • Underline
    • Double-underline
    • Strike-through
    • Highlight
  5. Choose the formatting option to apply to the selected text. Repeat the action to undo the chosen formatting.
  6. Tapping List offers three options that can be used to create and manage lists:

Note: Finger tap to format is not available on handwritten text.

 Using the keyboard to type.

  1. Activate the keyboard using the steps provided above.
  2. Tapping the screen places the cursor for typing.
  3. Typed text can be edited with your pen.
  4. Use the downstroke to open space between the text.
  5. Use the upstroke to close space between the text.
  6. You can add text using your pen.
  7. Converting the added handwritten text will signal Nebo to merge the new text with the pre-existing text.

Alignment guides to align text precisely on the page are available for converted text. 

  1. Select the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. From the drop-down menu, toggle on Alignment guides.
  3. Tap the text you would like to align with your pen or finger. Text alignment will not be activated with the lasso.
  4. As you move your text on the page, Nebo will automatically provide alignment guides, allowing for the precision placement of text and text blocks on the page.

Resizing your handwritten text

To resize typed font, tap or lasso the text and select Resize using your pen or finger to adjust. The font size is displayed. This is not available with handwritten text.

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