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How to use Nebo AI "Quiz" beta feature

Nebo AI is a set of text generation features that help you make the most of your notes, save time, get quick assistance when needed, and study smarter.

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Nebo AI "Quiz" helps you test your knowledge and boost your learning by generating random quizzes from the text content of your page, whether handwritten or typed. Here's how it works:

  1. By default, Nebo AI will process the entire content of your page. However, if you wish to only review a specific section, use the lasso tool first to select it.
  2. Tap the Nebo AI ✨ button located in the bottom-right corner of your screen. 
  3. Select Quiz from the Nebo AI menu.

The Quiz interface opens in fullscreen, offering two types of quizzes:

  • True or False: Decide if the given statement is true or false.
  • Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer from 3 possible options.

Nebo AI instantly generates a new quiz, presented in a card at the bottom-right corner of your screen. Each quiz consists of 10 questions for you to answer, one at a time. If you provide a wrong answer, Nebo AI will notify you and give the correct answer along with an explanation.

At any point during the quiz, you can:

  • Hide/show your page content using the ⋯ button in the top-right corner.
  • Exit the quiz by tapping the × button in the top-right corner.

Once you've answered all the questions, Nebo AI will calculate and display your score. If you tap the Try again button, Nebo AI will ask you the same 10 questions but in a different order.

Nebo AI beta feedback

The Nebo AI beta marks a significant milestone in our innovation journey. As we work towards enhancing and fine-tuning this initial feature set, your feedback is incredibly valuable to us. We welcome your insights and experiences to assist us in shaping the ultimate version of Nebo AI that caters to your requirements optimally.

You can Submitting a support ticket, please ensure to include "Nebo AI Beta Feedback" in the title/subject field.

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