This article is divided into 3 parts:
- Syncing your Android tablet with your cloud service (Setup and Sync)
- Syncing your Android smartphone with the cloud
- Syncing your Windows PC with the cloud
- To avoid sync conflicts, do not open or edit a note simultaneously on different devices.
- Modify notes on one device at a time. After finishing, you can open the note on another device.
- Nebo supports note syncing but doesn’t allow collaboration, meaning you cannot edit notes on multiple devices at the same time.
- Ensure all devices are running the same version of Nebo and updated to the latest version.
- Syncing will display your notes across all devices, but notes won't be viewable directly in your cloud service (e.g., Dropbox or Google Drive) as Nebo uses a specific format.
- Ensure your devices are fully charged before syncing to prevent data loss or conflicts.
- Google drive: To ensure Nebo functions properly with Google Drive, it's essential to grant the necessary permissions. Please make sure you provide the required authorizations. For further details, you can refer to the external Google article drive needs authorizations from the user to allow Nebo works, be sure you provide the authorizations more information here: (External Google article) Manage connections between your Google Account and third-parties - Google Account Help
- For security reasons, Google may log your device out (this may happen weekly). Please check if you’ve been logged out and sign back in to ensure syncing continues seamlessly.
1. Sync Setup on Your Android Tablet
1. Ensure your Android tablet is signed in with the Google ID used to purchase Nebo. You can find this in Settings > Account.
For demonstration, we'll use a test account email to show each step.
2. Open Nebo and confirm it’s the latest version. If not, update to the newest release.

3. Navigate to Settings, then select Account.
4. Ensure your MyScript SSO account is set up. If not, create a free account using your email address.
5. Return to Settings and choose Sync.

- You can choose from Dropbox, or Google Drive.

For this demonstration, we’ll select Google Drive.
A window will pop up asking which account to use for syncing with Google Drive.
As this is the first time syncing, we will use Manual Sync. Once complete, you can switch to Auto-Sync.
7. Return to the main screen. Select Sync.
Ensure you're connected to the internet and not using a VPN or firewall.
You can monitor the sync process in Nebo as it syncs "X folders," with the number decreasing as the sync progresses. This may take 5 to 10 minutes depending on the number of files.
8. You’ll see the message “Up to date,” confirming that all files have been uploaded to Google Drive.
9. You can now switch to Automatic Sync in the settings.

2. Setup the sync on your Android Smartphone.

To sync your notes from your tablet to your Android smartphone.
1. Download Nebo from the Google Play Store and sign in with the same Google ID used to purchase Nebo on your tablet.
2. Go to Nebo Settings > Account.
3. Follow the steps to restore your Nebo purchase.
4. Once you have the full version, sign in using the same MyScript SSO account used on your Android tablet.

The account was set up.

6. Google will ask which account you want to use.
- And will request you to sign in using that account
7. After signing in, Google will show some additional information and request validation.
8. Tap I agree; otherwise, some files may not sync. This is a Google Drive requirement.
9. Now your Google Drive is connected.

- Go to the main Nebo view.
- Tap on Sync, and Nebo will start syncing, showing “X folders to update.”
10. You will see the message “Up to date,” indicating all your notes have been synced.
11. You can now enable Automatic Sync in the Nebo settings.
3. Sync Setup on Your Windows PC
1. Download Nebo on your Windows PC from the Microsoft Store (Nebo is only available via the Windows Store).
2. Open Nebo and begin the cloud sync setup.
- Tap on Enable.
- You’ll be redirected to a login screen. Tap Sign in.
3. You will be prompted to sign in using your Google account linked to Nebo.
- You will be prompted to sign in using your Google account linked to Nebo or use your email and password if the account is not linked.
- Tap Enable again.
5. Your MyScript SSO account is now enabled.
6. Select your cloud service (in this case, Google Drive).
- A web page will open, asking which account to use for syncing.
A window will appear in your browser asking for authorization.
- Authorize Google Drive for Nebo, or syncing will be not possible.
7. Once authorized, a window will pop up asking you to open Nebo. Accept this request.
8. Google Drive is now connected to your Windows PC.
You will see that Auto-Sync is not activated.
9. Sync:
- Return to the main menu in Nebo.
- Tap the Sync button.
- Nebo will begin syncing your files. This may take a few minutes.
- You notes will be synced
10. Once the sync is complete, you will see the notification "Up to date"
11. You can now enable Automatic Sync.